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Snow Generations Plumbing & Heating is doing our part to help stop the spread.

We want you to know that the health, safety & well-being of our customers and our employees is our highest priority. It’s no coincidence that the Plumbers Slogan since the turn of the century has been that “The Plumber Protects The Health Of The Nation”.

As such, we are following the strategies that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended in their Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers (

The Plumbers Slogan

These strategies include:

  • Actively encouraging sick employees to stay home
  • Emphasizing cough and sneeze etiquette and hand hygiene
  • Routinely cleaning all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace.
  • Practicing social distancing in the workplace
  • We will clean all equipment that we use and all surfaces that we touch in your home

All employees have been briefed on the importance of maintaining a clean and safe work environment and they have been asked to avoid hugs, handshakes, high fives, large gatherings, and close quarters, as well as been provided informational links and strict instructions to adhere to CDC and WHO guidelines.

We encourage all of you to stay healthy by practicing social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and staying informed. Please also ensure your homes are in healthy condition to receive our team members.

For more information about this important health issue, you can visit:

Changes may occur from day to day as information is shared by our government and health organizations. If there are any significant changes, we will take to our website and social media to provide updates. We appreciate your understanding and patience should this cause any interruptions to our team or business as usual.

If you have questions regarding our COVID-19 action plans, feel free to contact us at (516) 431-8862.


Plumbing & Heating
Radiant Heating Systems
Fire Suppression Systems
Tank/less Water Heater
Gas Pipe Work & Repair
Sewer Main Hookup
Camera Pipe Inspections
Kitchen Appliances
Ice Machine Installations
Garbage Disposals
Bathroom Fixtures
Shower Body/Bath
Toilet Install & Repair

Snow Generations Plumbing & Heating © 2024. All rights reserved.

Snow Generations Plumbing & Heating © 2024. All rights reserved.